Scary Halloween!

While traveling to Charlotte the other evening I couldn't find my iTouch!
It finally turned up in an inside pocket of my blue blazer, but it was almost too much to bear. I got to thinking what would have happened? It is code protected, and so any finder would presumably be unable to use it. He (or she) might try to turn it on, look it over and - then what? Then I wondered what I would do if I found someone's iTouch. Then a great light dawned. I carry mine in a case - like most people do - and realized that if I simply put a business card (one of mine, hopefully) in there, I would have a chance of recovery. Possibly even a quick recovery since I also list my cell phone number on the card. Also have one of my email address so the finder could even email me. If it wasn't the iTouch that was lost but some other item, I could even check my email while in the vicinity, especially overseas, and perhaps get a message right away.
For some time I have carried a record book (a diary) on my trips. On the inside of the front cover I have affixed the following note under my business card (which is printed on the back of an Avery 2163 label): "If this book is found and returned to above address a check for S&H + $25 will be mailed to name & address provided." So I changed that to read: "This iTouch is code protected and can only be used by owner. If returned to above address a check for S&H + $25 will be mailed to name & address provided." I stuck that on the back of my business card and placed them in the case.
Now at least I have helped as they say, to make it possible for the honest people to be honest. Brrrrrrrrrrr.