It’s a French-thing. Who else would have a six-story limit in the construction of buildings in their capital city and then erect a 1,000-foot iron dandy right through all those rules and regulations reaching all the way up to heaven? (French heaven, that is). Only the French have done it so far, that’s for certain.
You can see it from all over the city. Not only is it a skyline-dominating figure but even in the ancient part of the city where the great tower is hidden in those ancient twisty streets, you can still turn a corner and Wham-o - there it is!

When you get to the tower it seems to change personality somewhat. The last you see of it before you begin your assent it actually seems wider than high. You can walk up to the second floor, to a restaurant for only four Euros ($5.5), or you can ride an elevator to the top for twelve Euros.

My wife and I paid $33 for the trip up and back down again. Outrageous? Well, it’s the only way to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower. (The stairways are closed to traffic after 1800) Are they charging too much? We had to wait in line for almost an hour. Was it worth it? You bet. Do I recommend it? Absolutely!
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