NC Arboretum, Asheville, NC
We've been living here within reach of the North Carolina Arboretum for 14 years now and have never been
tempted to go there. I visualized it as being a cross between a butterfly garden and a flower garden. Not bad, but not worth the trip. Finally we took some house guests there as a "thing to do" and we were all amazed!
It was not the day for arboretum appreciation. It was hot, and muggy, and heavy thunder rumbled through the heavens and then fell out of the sky and rolled around in the parking lots, car to car, and then even into the buildings and shook the displays. Rain fell unexpectedly, then quit, then there was blue sky and more heat and wow – more rain suddenly fell.
Fortunately we were well rewarded by the galleries and other shops, the museums and quilt shows.. During one of the many pauses in the rain, we toured the Bonsai Garden. I have seen bonsai trees before but never so many, and never so well displayed. 
We were able to walk the area between the Baker Exhibit Center and the Education Center. We enjoyed the Quilt Garden and the Blue Ridge Court but could not get onto any of the trails that led across the grounds.
We did get to walk a short distance through the "Plants of Promise" garden, and obviously will have to return on a better day – Indeed – we promise to do so!

It was not the day for arboretum appreciation. It was hot, and muggy, and heavy thunder rumbled through the heavens and then fell out of the sky and rolled around in the parking lots, car to car, and then even into the buildings and shook the displays. Rain fell unexpectedly, then quit, then there was blue sky and more heat and wow – more rain suddenly fell.

We were able to walk the area between the Baker Exhibit Center and the Education Center. We enjoyed the Quilt Garden and the Blue Ridge Court but could not get onto any of the trails that led across the grounds.
We did get to walk a short distance through the "Plants of Promise" garden, and obviously will have to return on a better day – Indeed – we promise to do so!
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