308 SMW Reunion – Welcome
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NOTE: This entry and the following six are not copyrighted by the author and are intended to be in the public domain.

For most of us who attended the 308 Strategic Missile Wing reunion of 2007, the trip to Little Rock was a long journey. But it we felt as if we had come home when we were greeted with warm smiles from Ron Shertzer (in white shirt, above) and Vince Maes at the Welcome Desk of the Comfort Inn & Suites in Little Rock.
The second reunion of the 308th Strategic Missile Wing was held September 13 to 16, 2007. It also recognized the 20th anniversary of the wing’s deactivation.
A number of activities were prepared and most of the attendees seemed to take part in many of the events.
Back in “those good old days” long gone now for many years, the work we did here sometimes seemed routine, like another day at the office, and sometimes it was very far from that, but for 25 years, this wing, and these guys, kept the largest ICBM our country has ever had, on constant alert, ready to launch in defense of the United States if directed by National Command Authorities,
Finally, that great missile system, like most of us here now today, was honorably retired. Once, we proudly claimed that peace was our profession, now let us pray that peace may be our heritage.
NOTE: This entry and the following six are not copyrighted by the author and are intended to be in the public domain.

For most of us who attended the 308 Strategic Missile Wing reunion of 2007, the trip to Little Rock was a long journey. But it we felt as if we had come home when we were greeted with warm smiles from Ron Shertzer (in white shirt, above) and Vince Maes at the Welcome Desk of the Comfort Inn & Suites in Little Rock.
The second reunion of the 308th Strategic Missile Wing was held September 13 to 16, 2007. It also recognized the 20th anniversary of the wing’s deactivation.
A number of activities were prepared and most of the attendees seemed to take part in many of the events.
Back in “those good old days” long gone now for many years, the work we did here sometimes seemed routine, like another day at the office, and sometimes it was very far from that, but for 25 years, this wing, and these guys, kept the largest ICBM our country has ever had, on constant alert, ready to launch in defense of the United States if directed by National Command Authorities,
Finally, that great missile system, like most of us here now today, was honorably retired. Once, we proudly claimed that peace was our profession, now let us pray that peace may be our heritage.
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