Fort Mountain State Park.

Fort Mountain State Park in northern Georgia. Who built the wall? Good question. Lots of guesses. The Vikings are definitely out. One theory is that a group of people from Wales built it about A.D.1170 (long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue), another is that Native Americans put it up around 1500, the most likely one seems to be that it was built by people who are totally unknown about A.D. 500. The work is definitely pre-Colombian. One of the interesting things is that the stones used to build the fort are not native to the area. It would be a great place to spend a few years researching the issue because the rest of the park is lovely, with a couple of lakes, hardwood forests, low mountains, plenty of camp space, etc.
I have not seen any good pictures of the wall, and I didn't get one either - they all fail to show it's real presence.
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